
Monday, August 7, 2017

To my Seventh grader...

You started Seventh Grade today!

I am sure you are busy catching up with friends and trying to remember
your locker combination but I find myself in the same place year after year. 

So proud of you and so sad at the same time. 

Each new year means you are another year older, another year closer to leaving this house and starting your life, another year further from being my little baby. 

This year, you need me a little less.  I am a little less cool.
You look a little more grown up. 
You talk to me a little less and your friends a little more.

This year, you are one year from your teens.

I can't get over how grown you are and how fast you are growing up.
I can say this however, I am SO proud of the young man you are becoming.
You are so bright and so quick. You certainly keep me on my toes.
You are so loving and so sweet.  I cherish those moments you still want your mama.
You are now a Christian and I can not wait to see you spread the light of Jesus in Seventh Grade.
You are my best friend while still knowing I am your parent and while you 
may not understand, Mama knows best. 

I hope you have the most amazing year! 

You will move mountains!

And just for the sake of this poor mama's heart...

Sixth Grade

Fifth Grade

Fourth Grade

Third Grade

Second Grade

First Grade

Oh be still my heart...

Why does it feel like the Kindergarten photo was taken yesterday?

If you need me, I will be in the corner, 
grasping onto his baby blanket and sobbing.


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